Emergency Services in Bali: Navigating Unforeseen Situations

Medical emergencies are pervasive; it is not something that happens rarely. But that doesn’t mean it is casual and understandable. Every individual should be well aware of how to detect an emergency and react to it at that particular moment. Often, an emergency occurs when you are expecting the least, like at a grocery store, city street, or at a game. The question that will instantly pop up in your mind is What should you do?

Here following there are some cases of emergency that you can experience anytime and anywhere:

  1. Bleeding

You can start bleeding from even the smallest cut and bruises. But this is not something worth panicking about at that moment. The emergency case arises when it turns into deep cuts and severe bruises that require immediate attention. The condition in which you should seek emergency are:

  • You cannot control the bleeding even with proper first aid treatment.
  • An object that pierced through your kin, and you cannot get it out because it’s too deep.
  • You can see your bone or tissue.

If you delay the process, then the excess loss of blood may lead to dizziness, unwell feeling, pale face, and in some cases, you lose your consciousness. However, if this happens, it is a matter of urgency.

  1. Seizures or fit

Seizures is so common that about one among ten people must have had a seizure once in their lifetime. But there is a good chance that you will not require immediate medical attention after experiencing a fit. It is more common in people who have a diagnosis of epilepsy.

In the disease, you feel twitching, jerking, or shaking in some area or the whole body, which is involuntary and uncontrollable. Another form of seizure is when you cannot move or move only a minimal part of the body, and the eyes will look into space. In this situation, the body is not able to respond to anyone.

If a person is having a seizure, try not to stop them from shaking unless they are at risk. After going through an episode, it is important to rush to the doctor for proper treatment. And if the seizure is very common in you should take appropriate care as to what you should do after the fit.

  1. Heart attack

A cardiovascular emergency may not be common in medical emergency types, but they are the most severe ones. Knowing how to detect the symptom and the right time to respond to it can save many lives.

In a heart attack, there is a sudden blockage in blood supply, giving rise to a threatening medical emergency. The following are the symptoms of a heart attack:

  • Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath.
  • Sweating
  • Severe chest pain, including chest pressure, squeezing in the middle, and tightness.
  • Pain in the left arm starting from the chest. In some cases, the pain spread in both the arms, jaw, neck, stomach and back.
  • Sweating
  • Feeling sick
  • Dizziness or light-headed

When you are having severe chest pain, there is the extreme possibility that you are experiencing a heart attack. However, in some cases, people do not experience severe pain, just mild discomfort similar to indigestion.

  1. Stroke

Stroke is another severe and life-threatening medical emergency. It mainly occurs when the blood cannot reach the brain properly. This issue can be because of two reasons one bleeding in the brain or an internal blood clot.

Time is the most essential thing in stroke, which can decide whether you live or die. The sooner you get medical attention; the more is the chance you get better. As it is very necessary to act on time, keep in mind the following symptom, which can be easy to remember through the acronym FASR.

F for face – What is the change in the face? Are you able to smile? Has the face changed its format and drooped on one side? You can especially notice it around the areas of the mouth and eyes.

A for Arm – Are you able to lift both your arms? At times of stroke, at least one of the arm gets numb.

S for Speech – When a person is having a stroke, their speech changes and becomes somewhat slurred, analyze whether their speech is making sense or not. Or is the person able to understand what others are telling?

T for time – If you see these symptoms, you should understand there is not much time, and you should act immediately. Take medical help as soon as possible.

  1. Sudden breathing problem

If someone is experiencing a breathing problem suddenly out of nowhere, it indicates an underlying health problem. There can be numerous reasons behind it. Some are allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, asthma attacks, flu, COPD, and respiratory syncytial virus.

Breathing problems can also offer due to physical activity or exercise. But if it occurs without any right reason, it can be a medical emergency. The primary symptoms that you can notice are:

  • Feeling shortness of breath
  • Noisy breathing involving the sound of a whistle or wheeze gasp.
  • Pain while taking deep breaths like in the chest.
  • Fast breathing that is faster than usual.
  • If you or anyone you know is going through a breathing problem, avoid panicking to worsen the situation. Besides, take immediate medical help.
  1. Eye trauma

A person suffers from eye trauma when they get a direct hit into the eye. It is because there is a blow to the eyes, or the eye retracts, which often results in blood clotting around the skin under the eye. The typical symptom that you may suffer through in this condition are:

  • Bruises and pain
  • Cuts
  • Pain
  • Limited eye movement
  • Change in pupil’s size
  • Blood on the eyeball.
  • Make sure you take proper medical help in such a situation.

Hydro Medical is a full-service healthcare and beauty clinic for everyone. We give the best treatment to everyone’s individual needs by providing personalized and unique experiences when you’re traveling in Bali. We support every kind of traveling experience that you want to have including emergency and critical situations. We have a 24-hour dial number that you can call in case you have an emergency during your travel.

Hydro Medical is staffed by some of Bali’s best Qualified Medical Professionals. We provide full-service healthcare and offer the best treatment by providing personalized medical care for those traveling in Bali.  Our expert medical care will ensure you can enjoy every kind of traveling experience. Our clinic will always make sure that you will get the best services and recover as soon as possible. So if you have any emergency, do not hesitate to contact us. Stay Healthy!
