This ultimate teeth cleaning checklist plays a big part to have a beautiful smile with a healthy set of teeth.
That’s why your oral hygiene routine can make or break the message your smile sends. But if you’re like most people, caring for your teeth is one of those automatic grooming practices that become so much a part of your daily routine that you don’t give it much thought.
Brushing and flossing is the foundation but there’s more to your mouth’s health than just your teeth. And while oral hygiene may not be as front-and-centre as your hair routine or choosing your daily outfit, it may be much more important in the long run.
What Is The Best Routine For Cleaning Teeth?
Everyone is different. And everyone’s routine will be a bit different, too, depending on their age, occupation, diet, and other factors. Certain aspects of oral hygiene, however, are universal: daily care, routine professional check-ups and cleanings, a healthy diet with few sugary drinks or sweets, and drinking water with fluoride. Some of this you can do at home, so here’s a basic program that will help you start a healthful oral routine.
- Brush
Brush twice a day. And not just a quick swipe. Brush for at least two minutes, staying for 30 seconds in each quadrant of your mouth. If you find this difficult to maintain, try an electric toothbrush. There are several models with timers that will run for two minutes and beep every 30 seconds so you’ll know when to move on.
Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle to your tooth’s surface and aim for your gums. For the best results, brush in an up-and-down fashion on the front and back surfaces, then back and forth on the flat tops. Be sure to cover all the bases: front, back, and the chewing surfaces on top. Use a soft bristled brush and a toothpaste that’s American Dental Association approved. If your morning oral routine isn’t before breakfast, the American Dental Association recommends waiting at least an hour after eating before you brush, especially if you had something acidic such as orange juice or grapefruit. Acid loosens tooth enamel, and the force of brushing may damage your teeth if you do it too soon.
- Floss
Floss all of your teeth at least once a day, preferably at night before you go to bed. If you floss at the time when you brush, you’ll want to floss first. Flossing drags out particles of food that hide between teeth and helps loosen plaque so brushing can be more effective. Use enough floss that you can have a clean section for each tooth. This will be about a foot and a half. Wind the floss around your index fingers and slip it, gently, up and down between each tooth. When the floss gets dirty, wind off a clean section for the next tooth. Be sure to get all the way back to the molars! If using a long piece of floss is awkward for you, you can now purchase small “flossers” — a plastic holder with an inch or so of floss — to do the holding for you. You may need more than one for each session, but they can make the job simpler and swifter.
- Rinse Your Mouth
The last thing to do after you’ve thoroughly brushed and flossed is to rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Any brand will do, so pick one with a flavour you like, and you’ll be more liable to do it regularly. Pour out a capful of mouthwash and swoosh it around in your mouth for 30 seconds, making sure your lips are closed and the mouthwash stays in your mouth to do its job. Then spit it out. This simple act helps clear out the titbits of toothpaste and food that even brushing and flossing can miss. And it leaves your mouth feeling totally refreshed!
Those are the basic 1-2-3 steps of good oral hygiene. But if you want to take it a step further, clean your tongue. Cleaning your tongue is as important as brushing and flossing your teeth. Just as bacteria can build up on and in-between your teeth, it can build up on your tongue, too, and cause bad breath. Scraping your tongue with floss or scrubbing it with your toothbrush removes any clinging bacteria. It takes less than a minute, and while you don’t need to do it every time you brush, making it a regular part of your routine will make a difference in your mouth’s overall health.
What are the 10 Steps to Brushing Your Teeth
After knowing the best routine for cleaning teeth, After all, isn’t how to brush your teeth something we all learn when we are very young? But you might be surprised — misconceptions on how to properly brush teeth are all too common. Some people may have been taught something wrong when they were a kid. In other cases errors crept in over the years. Whatever the case, making sure you really know how to brush your teeth is worthwhile. Here are the ten steps to follow.
- Use The Right Toothbrush
For most people, a soft-bristled toothbrush will be the safest choice. Depending on how vigorously you brush your teeth and the strength of your teeth, medium- and hard-bristled brushes could actually damage the gums, root surface, and protective tooth enamel. Don’t use a toothbrush featuring natural bristles, since they can retain bacteria. The brush head must be small enough to reach all your teeth. Choose a toothbrush with a handle that fits your hand comfortably.
- Replace Old Toothbrushes
A great toothbrush won’t stay that way for long. A toothbrush will typically have to be thrown out after just a few months of use. Watch for signs the bristles are becoming worn out. If the bristles are frayed and no longer stand up straight it’s time to get a new toothbrush.
- Brush Twice a day
Brushing just once a day is massively better than not at all, but twice a day is what is really needed. Food can form into plaque in just eight hours, which means that brushing just once per day guarantees lots more plaque on your teeth.
- Use The Right Toothpaste
You must use a toothpaste that has fluoride in it. Fluoride both removes plaque and strengthens tooth enamel. Toothpaste brands offer a wide variety of features, such as whitening, desensitizing, and tartar control, as well as different flavors. Choose whatever brand matches your preference.
- Use The Correct Technique
First, apply just a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Rather than moving across your teeth, you should brush with small circular motions. Hold your brush at a 45° angle while brushing the front of your teeth. Clean the insides of your teeth by opening wide and angling your toothbrush toward the gum line.
- Be Gentle
Brushing your teeth energetically does not mean you are doing a better job of cleaning. In fact, vigorous brushing can damage both tooth enamel and gums. Toothbrushes that become worn out very quickly is a strong sign you are brushing too hard.
- Brush for long enough
Brushing too quickly is a common mistake, since cleaning your teeth can be boring. Work your way slowly around your mouth, spending at least ten seconds on every area. Overall, you should spend about three minutes brushing your teeth.
- Brush Your Tongue
Yes, your toothbrush isn’t just for your teeth. The bacteria that grow on the tongue are hard to remove. Mouthwash is not effective, so brushing is necessary. Simply brush your entire tongue with fresh toothpaste, reaching as far as is comfortable into your mouth.
- Rinse your tooth brush
After you’ve finished brushing, your toothbrush will have lots of nasty bacteria on it. If you don’t clean your brush, you will simply reintroduce those bacteria the next time you try to clean your teeth. Wash your toothbrush under the tap for a few seconds, then set it somewhere to dry out.
- Use Floss
Flossing is the component of cleaning your teeth that is most often left out. Don’t make this mistake. As effective as teeth brushing is, it can’t do the job entirely on its own. Small bits of food debris get stuck between the teeth, and flossing is the only way to remove them. Floss between all your teeth at least once a day.
The Benefits of Deep Cleaning Teeth
Dentists often recommend a deep teeth cleaning if your gums have separated 5 or more millimeters away from your teeth and their roots. Deep teeth cleanings usually require 2 or more visits to the dentist. The first appointment will be for gum or perio scaling, and the second will be for root planing.
Deep cleaning teeth helps to prevent gum diseases such as gingivitis from getting worse. Remember that we all have plenty of bacteria in our mouths, even when we have perfectly healthy teeth and gums. Plaque forms naturally when those bacteria mix with food and other substances, but normally plaque is removed by regular brushing and flossing. However, if plaque doesn’t get brushed away, it hardens and turns into tartar, which can only be eradicated by a professional dental cleaning. If tartar remains on the teeth, it causes gingivitis, the condition where your gums become red and swollen.
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If you have gingivitis, your teeth may bleed spontaneously, or when you brush and floss, even if you are being gentle. Other signs of gum disease include persistent halitosis or bad breath, extra sensitive or increasingly sensitive teeth, loosening teeth, pain when chewing (especially harder or sticky foods), and a receding gum line.
All this is to say that if you have gum disease or inflammation of the gums like gingivitis caused by plaque and tartar build-up between your teeth and gums, a deep teeth cleaning can be a way to banish the build-up and restore your mouth to a healthier state. always consult your dentist if you have any questions and be sure to attend any follow up appointments and schedule regular cleanings in the future.