Children are the victims of about 60% of all dog bites in the United States. Fortunately, a relatively small number of these bites spread the very serious rabies infection.
Rabies has become a very rare disease, averaging no more than 5 cases a year in the United States and 1 to 2 deaths annually.
Rabies human diploid cell vaccine is used to protect people who have been bitten by animals (post-exposure) or otherwise may be exposed to the rabies virus (pre-exposure). This vaccine works by exposing you to a small dose of the virus, which causes the body to develop immunity to the disease.
Rabies vaccine is for use in adults and children. Like any vaccine, the rabies vaccine may not provide protection from disease in every person. Your child’s doctor has decided that anti-rabies treatment is needed.
A shot of Rabies Immune Globulin (RIG) is usually given with the first dose. RIG helps protect your child against rabies right away. Also, a series of 4 shots of anti-rabies vaccine is needed to complete the treatment. If the first shot of this anti-rabies vaccine was given today, your health care provider will give you a schedule for follow-up shots. Your child must receive all the shots for the vaccine to be effective.
It is considering safe to give the children a rabies vaccine. Vaccine works as an immune system in your child’s body once they got bitten by the animals. Vaccines that give immunity to rabies must be given soon after contact with the rabies virus. Once symptoms occur, there is no known treatment for rabies.
Treatment for suspected contact with rabies is done with one dose of immune globulin and a series of shots of rabies vaccine over a 2-week period. A pre-exposure rabies vaccine may also be used to protect children at high risk for exposure. Talk with your child’s healthcare provider to learn more.
There is no such kind of the medicine without a side effect. This also works in rabies vaccine. There will be a side effect but this really rare to happen. Tell your doctor if your kid is experiencing a very high fever, fever, vomiting, skin rash, joint pain, general ill feeling, tingling or a prickly feeling in your fingers or toes, weakness or unusual feeling in your arms and legs; or problems with balance or eye movement, trouble speaking or swallowing.
Also there will be some common effect that happen like pain, swelling, itching, or redness where the shot was given, headache, dizziness, muscle pain; or nausea, stomach pain.
When you take your children to go to the doctor after got bitten by an animal it is better to give the doctor as detail information as possible.
That information such as Where the bite or scratch happened, such as a back yard or forest, Type of animal, such as pet or wild animal, Type of exposure, such as cut, scratch, or licking of open wound, Part of the body involved, such as hand, leg, or face, Number of exposures to the animal, If the animal has been vaccinated against rabies (if known), If the animal seemed to be ill, If the animal is available for testing or quarantine, Don’t try to capture a wild or sick animal that has bitten your child. Tell animal control officers.
If you are really concern about your kids, you have to know some basic question you can give to the health providers when you are visiting them. You have to know the reason for the visit and what you want to happen.
Before your visit, write down questions you want answered. At the visit, write down the name of a new diagnosis, and any new medicines, treatments, or tests. Also write down any new instructions your provider gives you for your child.
Know why a new medicine or treatment is prescribed and how it will help your child. Also know what the side effects are. Ask if your child’s condition can be treated in other ways. Know why a test or procedure is recommended and what the results could mean.
Know what to expect if your child does not take the medicine or have the test or procedure. If your child has a follow-up appointment, write down the date, time, and purpose for that visit. Know how you can contact your child’s provider after office hours. This is important if your child becomes ill and you have questions or need advice.
Even though there is a vaccine for rabies and the vaccine is relatively safe it is better for you as a parent to do a prevention toward this disease. You can prevent your children from rabies by being safe around animals, even pets, can help reduce the risk for animal bites. Some general guidelines for preventing animal bites and rabies including keep pets in a fenced yard or on a leash when out in public, select family pets carefully, never leave a young child alone with a pet, have your pets vaccinated against rabies, and keep all shots current, watch pets so they don’t come into contact with wild animals.
Call your local animal control agency to remove any stray animals. Also don’t forget to Teaching your child about animal safety can also help to prevent animal bites. This includes: Don’t try to separate fighting animals, stay away from strange or sick animals, leave animals alone when they are eating, Don’t go near or play with wild animals of any kind.
When you should take your child to the health provider in case of rabies? Call the healthcare provider if your child has: Been bitten or scratched by any animal, had contact with any animal that seems sick, each state keeps information about animals that may carry rabies, you can contact your state’s department of public health to learn more.
Any time that your child is bitten by an animal, contact your pediatrician. All animal bites should be reported to health officials who will be able to tell you whether the bite presents a risk of rabies.
Any bite by a wild animal should be considered a risk for rabies until proven otherwise. Exceptions to this include rabbits, hares, squirrels, rats, mice, and other small rodents. If a bat is found in a room where your child has been sleeping or playing, you should report it immediately to your pediatrician, even if you don’t find a bite mark.
Rabies is almost always fatal if it is left untreated. In fact, once someone with rabies starts experiencing symptoms, they usually do not survive. This is why it is very important to seek medical attention right away following an animal bite, especially if the bite is from a wild animal. Vaccination after exposure, PEP, is highly successful in preventing the disease if administered promptly, in general within six days of infection. Begun with little or no delay, PEP is 100% effective against rabies. In the case of significant delay in administering PEP, the treatment still has a chance of success.
We should really be aware of prevention and treatment when we are talking about rabies. We should make the gap closer by making both of things balance. Seeking for treatment is really important but don’t forget that doing prevention make everything going better in the end. For post exposure treatment we can do wound care. After an animal has bitten a person, the bite should be cleaned extensively with soap and water to help reduce the risk of bacterial infection. Povidone solutions or 70% alcohol may reduce viral transmission from a bite. Cosmetic repair of a bite wound should be assessed; however, closing a wound may increase the risk of bacterial infection.
If you still want to learn more about Rabies Vaccine and HRIG during your visit in Bali, you can go and contact Hydro Medical Bali. They will provide you the information that you needed for Rabies Vaccine and HRIG.
Also, they will provide you the vaccine when you needed it with the handling of their professional health care. Hydro medical team will explain to you all of the things you need to know about rabies either it prevention, treatment or both things.