PCR and Antigen test are becoming essential needs during this pandemic.
Either you want to travel, wants to make sure your COVID-19 status, working requirement, or you feel that you might been suffer from COVID-19.
More effective methods to detect whether we are infected with COVID-19 are being developed all the time. As a general rule, PCR tests and antigen tests stand out. But do you know what the differences are?
In today’s post we tell you, so you can clear up all your queries. Also later, we would tell you about Hydromedical Clinic to get your PCR and antigen test done with affordable price but having the best service to be provided.
There are different types of tests – diagnostic tests and antibody tests.
Diagnostic tests can show if you have an active COVID-19 infection and need to take steps to quarantine or isolate yourself from others. Molecular and antigen tests are types of diagnostic tests than can detect if you have an active COVID-19 infection. Samples for diagnostic tests are typically collected with a nasal or throat swab, or saliva collected by spitting into a tube.
Antibody tests look for antibodies in your immune system produced in response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose an active COVID-19 infection.
Antibodies can take several days or weeks to develop after you have an infection and may stay in your blood for several weeks or more after recovery. Samples for antibody tests are typically blood from a finger stick, or blood drawn by your doctor or other medical personnel.
PCR test.
This test we’ve heard so much about from the beginning of the pandemic is a simple test that detects if we are infected by the COVID-19 virus.
It is done by taking a sample from the pharynx, using a slim cotton bud via the nasal passages and mouth. Unlike the antigen test, the results are known several hours after the sample is taken and it is the test with the greatest percentage of reliability and sensitivity.
The PCR test is one of the most requested tests when it comes to travelling as it is highly reliable in detecting if you are currently infected with COVID-19
Antigen test
On the other hand, antigen tests are highly useful when what is needed is to know which people are in the highest stage of infection, that is to say, when they may be most contagious.
The antigen test, as its name indicates, detects the presence of antigens, which is a protein located on the surface of the virus, and which is extracted in the same way as in PCR tests, via the nose. Once of the main differences is speed, as the results are available in 15-20 minutes after it is done.
Another of the big differences between the two tests is the sensitivity of the antigen test compared to the PCR test; it has a lower percentage sensitivity and, therefore, lower reliability.
When should we take each test?
If you are tested, you should quarantine and isolate yourself at home until you receive your test results and follow the advice of your health care provider or a public health professional.
When should I get a test?
- If you have symptoms of COVID-19, even after vaccination
- If you have had close contact (within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more) with someone with confirmed COVID-19, even after vaccination
- If you took part in activities that put you at higher risk for COVID-19 because you could not socially distance as needed, such as travel, attending large social or mass gatherings, or being in crowded indoor settings
Your school, workplace or community may also establish a screening program, in which they test individuals who are part of a group (at work, at school) even if there is no reason to suspect those individuals are infected with COVID-19. The FDA issued more information about screening programs in this fact sheet.
Generally, for diagnostic tests, a negative result means the test did not detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and a positive result means the test did detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus and you are very likely to have COVID-19. However, no test is perfect. There is always a chance that a test will return a false result. For diagnostic tests, a false negative means the test says you don’t have COVID-19 but you are infected, and a false positive means that the test says you have COVID-19 but you are not infected.
Because of this, even if you receive a negative result, you should keep practicing preventive measures, such as distancing, washing hands, and wearing masks, to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. If you are sick, you should stay home and isolate from others, even if you receive a negative test result. Talk with your health care provider to determine if you should be retested or for advice on managing your symptoms.
For serology tests, a negative result means the test did not detect antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19. A positive result means the test did detect antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19, and it is possible that you had a recent or prior COVID-19 infection and you have developed an adaptive immune response to the virus.
We do not know how long antibodies stay in the body following infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. We do not know if antibodies give you protective immunity against the virus, so results from a serology test should not be used to find out if you have immunity from the virus. The FDA cautions patients against using the results from any serology test as an indication that they can stop taking steps to protect themselves and others, such as stopping social distancing or discontinuing wearing masks.
Where can I take the PCR or antigen test?
At the moment, there are various alternatives for taking your COVID-19 test, such as laboratories, the airport itself or at Hydromedical Clinic (when you are in Bali). Hydromedical offers you great price for their service.
For PCR Hydromedical will charge you IDR 495K and for the antigen test Hydromedical will charge you IDR 98K.
Hydromedical will also provides great medical services such as doctor consultation, test result explanation, and guarantee of the result that Hydromedical did to you. Hydromedical always make sure they will give you the best service among others competitors. You can take the test by coming to the Hydromedical clinic or if you want to make it easier and convenient for you, they will come to your house at anytime that you comfortable with. Hydromedical will make sure everything safe because Hydromedical staff always using the precaution based on COVID-19 international’s precaution standard.
Lastly, how can you prevent the spread of COVID-19?
- Wear a face mask.
- Social distance – maintain 6 feet distance.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.